Couples Therapy
Often the very thing that draws us to one another turns out to be the very thing that can get in the way of intimacy and harmony.
What is Couples Therapy?
Stress or disharmony in a close, intimate relationship can often lead to disruptions or interruptions in other areas of your life. Whether with an intimate partner (girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, domestic partner) or someone with whom you share a close relationship with (roommate, co-worker, family member), relationships with others can be challenging to navigate to say the least!
Obviously, no two people are exactly alike. If we stop to actually think about it and take stock of what we bring to any relationship, it is incredibly important to consider the following: you have two entirely different people, with two entirely different backgrounds, different genetic and temperamental constitutions, different styles of communicating and dealing with conflict, different comfort levels regarding levels of intimacy as well as a different set of likes and dislikes, wants and needs. Wow, taking all this into consideration, it’s a wonder some relationships work at all!