
Unprocessed trauma can wreak havoc in your life and the lives of those closest to you.

What is Trauma?

A traumatic event is one that is perceived as either life-threatening or overwhelming. Traumatic events can include be big or small, acute or chronic and can include experiences such as war, rape, assault, natural disasters, family abuse, discrimination based on gender, sex or heritage, a terminal Illness diagnosis and accidents as well as the loss of a loved one, a home or job. Even intentional life changes can be experienced as traumatic such as moving, marriage, divorce, a new job and the birth of a child. Typical reactions to both trauma may include feelings of overwhelm, numbness, depression, anxiety, feeling on-guard, irritability, dissociation, difficulty concentrating and sleep disturbances.


Anxiety and stress can be experienced both acutely and chronically and may or may not have a direct trigger. It is quite possible to feel anxious without any apparent reason or direct cause for the anxiety. When anxiety is exaggerated or out of control it can negatively impact your personal, social and occupational functioning as well as your perceived sense of health and well-being.

When diagnosing a traumatic reaction, timing is everything. Immediately after a traumatic event has occurred a person may suffer from an expected Acute Stress Reaction (ASR) which includes most of the symptoms listed above. If these symptoms persist for at least 3 days and up to one month pursuant to the traumatic event, then the individual is considered to suffer from Acute Stress Disorder. In Posttraumatic Stress, the symptoms persist for longer than one month following a traumatic event.

How We Can Help You With Trauma

Anyone who experiences a traumatic event may feel that their sense of security and competency has been diminished which, if not attended to and processed, can over time lead to greater life distress and depression. The earlier one receives therapeutic support the better the outcome is likely to be. At BHAVA Therapy Group, our goal is to use the therapeutic relationship to assist the client in: obtaining a sense of safety and connection to the world, tap into inner strengths, process the traumatic event or stressful situation and gain a new sense of mastery and growth. We believe that we have the right knowledge and expertise to help you overcome the trauma you have experienced.

What it means to adapt a lens of trauma

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